Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Animal Euthanization

The ASPCA and New York City’s animals reached a major milestone in 2009, when the city’s euthanasia rates dropped to 33 percent, down from a staggering 74 percent in 2002. But our work is far from over. The sad reality is 3 out of every 5 animals who enter animal shelters will be euthanized, the tragic victims of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


We know there are no “quick fixes.” We do know, however, that working together to reduce the unnecessary euthanasia of animals does work. None of this progress is possible without your steadfast support and commitment. Please consider making a gift to the ASPCA, in doing so, you will join us as we strive for a country where no healthy animal is euthanized simply because she lacks a home.


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